Monday, July 16, 2012


Address: (Will be updated soon!)



The simplest things can often be the most satisfying and fulfilling.  It doesn't take a seven course meal to create a grin that runs from ear to ear.  Maybe it just takes a sandwich from the local store, a slice of cheese pizza, or whatever simple guilty pleasure that will make your taste buds giddy.  On this day, I decided to go with the ever so seemingly simple bowl of ramen. It really does appear to me that the longest lines I come across belong to stores that offer amazing yet uncomplicated food.

Meandering around the streets of Taipei you'll occasionally come across ramen stores with hoards of people waiting outside all clamoring to get themselves a bowl.  I'll admit that I never really understood the huge appeal of ramen until recently, and even now, I don't believe I would stand in the muggy air for too long if there was an adequate option near by.  With that said however, after tasting ramen of all differing qualities, I have grown to appreciate a fantastic bowl of finely crafted noodles.  博多拉麵 is nested in Shimin Blvd, a long crowded street that is stuffed to the gills with all manners of food choices. This was my first trip to 博多拉麵, and as usual, it's time to find out if there's going to a return trip in the future (the only stamp of approval a restaurant ever needs).

Something to get started with

博多拉麵 is different from your regular ramen shop in that their soup base is made of cream instead of soy like most other places.  The menu is fully equipped with a variety of small dishes for you to flesh out your meal.  We decided on some kimchi, pork, fried tofu, egg and a potato croquette.  If you think that's a lot for two people.... you are correct, I think in the entire restaurant, we might have been the only people who ventured beyond 1 addition side dish, but that's what i'm here to do folks... to stuff my face for your pleasure.

Fried Tofu

The small dishes we had were all good, with special kudos given to the fried tofu. The prices of all the items are very reasonable, and run much less than what you would expect to find at many of the famous ramen establishments in the city.  博多拉麵 has more than one location in Taipei, and given its bright pink awning, it makes for a tough locale to miss if you are looking for it. 

We got there relatively early at around 6PM so there wasn't much in the way of customers as I ambled in.  The restaurant filled up nicely however over the next hour and I began to see why the proprietors have been able to open so many branches.  The best way to describe the decor of 博多拉麵 is an hybrid of a rustic/retro Japanese noodle shop.  Truly not the best description I know, but words somewhat fail me at the moment.
As you walk in, you get the feel that you just entered any Japanese neighborhood mom and pop shop you've seen in the movies.  There aren't really any bell or whistles to speak of when it comes to the decor, but that's perfectly fine with me as long as the food delivers and the place isn't a dump.  And 博多拉麵 definitely isn't a dump.

The Star

Now we've come to the actual ramen, and my take on their cream based soup.  My own personal preference is the soy based soup and the flavors that that type of ramen brings.  I found 博多拉麵's ramen to be a bit too bland for my personal tastes.  I don't have too much experience with this type of ramen, but my friend told me that their's is a very famous take on this dish and is well known throughout Taiwan. 

The noodles themselves were done well, and had that pre-requisite chewyness and ability to not disintegrate in the soup after a few moments.  The chicken was moist and crispy at the same time, and offered something a bit different from the usual pork slices that accompany many a ramen dish.  But like I said, my main gripe (and it's a large one) is that I simply just didn't find the flavors to be present, and the soup was more water than anything else to me.  This is me however, and I fully admit to being a lover of spices and rich flavors in my food, so I'm taking my inherit bias into judgement and believe that anyone who appreciates ramen needs to check out 博多拉麵.

Overall 博多拉麵 - Ramen Receives:


-Til Next Time-

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